Recent content by Eric H

  1. Eric H

    New Owner based in SoCal

    Welcome! Fellow Exige owner and future chassis #293. When you get access you will see some great trailer examples.
  2. Eric H

    New member - first question

    I had (am having) the same stupid question. ;)
  3. Eric H

    Future new Rush owner

    David - ordered! Painful but I guess I rather be alive and poor than rich and dead. 🤣
  4. Eric H

    Future new Rush owner

    Welcome Shawn! My car is also on order and many months away. I just started the helmet shopping saga so I appreciate David’s tip. I will check it out. I was looking at a ABP helmets as well. I was really hoping I could get a more budget friendly one then buy an ABP visor but I have not found...
  5. Eric H

    Forum access/visibility

    I also cannot yet claim myself as an owner, but I would like to suggest that non-owners perhaps have read only access to all (or more) threads. I am really trying to learn all I can about the car. Unfortunately the only way for me to do that is to ask everyone questions which might very well...
  6. Eric H

    Lotus Tribute Car

    Sam, I really appreciate the Lotus compare and insight! Thank you! This is a quick reply but I have (and will again) seriously digest your reply. Seems like all positive comparisons.
  7. Eric H

    What are you driving?

    Hi all, Original 2008 Exige S240 owner. Last month just started to absorb knowledge about Rush. Thinking about retiring the Lotus (which I LOVE) from HPDE duty.
  8. Eric H

    Lotus Tribute Car

    Hi All - maybe I haven’t found it but before I finally get time to schedule a test drive I have been trying to find any descriptions regarding the driving dynamics of the Rush. I finally then stumbled on this thread of fellow Lotus owners!! I have tracked my 2008 Exige since new. I really love...